What do people say about your business?

Perception is reality

The stories around our businesses dictate how we speak about them, and in turn how others both relate to them and tell new people. You get to write part of that story...

Hi Reader,

Combining what you offer, who you offer it to, why, how and the journey along the way is one story. That’s the story of how you and your business got to where you are now, and what you hope to achieve in the future. In sharing that story, it allows people to better understand the brand and how they can experience it, to decide to work with or buy from you.

There’s also the story of the journey your customer is on. While the nuances will differ, the part of the story from when they first found you, to booking a call or making a purchase, and the process of receiving the service or product will be fairly consistent. It’s also the part you have some semblance of control over. That story gets told when that person is referring your offer to a friend.

What do you want that story to be?

There’s also one more type, the stories we tell ourselves. Sometimes they aren’t so flattering, and aren’t 100% true, like “I could never do X”, or “who am I to do Y?” Even “that wouldn’t work” before you try something. Sometimes we believe things others have told us, that either empower, encourage, belittle or crush us. They impact how we show up, and how we share our skills with the world.

It’s important to check in with ourselves occasionally, and make sure the stories being told by us and about us are truly what we want. We can then make adjustments to curate that story.

Without holding back, journal on the following:

  • What do I hope people will say about me when meeting me in a business context?
  • What do I hope people will say about my offer before buying?
  • What do I hope people will say to their friends and family while they are using my offer, or going through a service experience?
  • What do I hope people will tell others after they have fully experienced my offer?
  • What might be stopping people from telling those stories?
    • Do they need to be given the words, better understand the evolution and growth
    • Is there something you could do, say, or provide that would make your offer extra remarkable?
    • Are you asking for reviews and testimonials often?
  • What do I tell myself about my own expertise, abilities and opportunities? Is it even true?

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Brand Voice in the age of AI, automation and collaboration with Rachel Rennie of Frankly Write

Attracting the right-fit clients with Jolinda Anderson of Shape & Colors by Jolinda

Brought to you by Honey Pot Digital

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Emma Peacock

I'm the face behind Honey Pot Digital and the host of the Digital Hive Podcast. In my newsletter I love to share simple marketing mindset shifts to help you conquer the hurdles of growing your small business, without the overwhelm.

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